Hey, I’m Milan and I write about relationships.

I write from the lens of a woman, creative, relationship coach, mother, divorcee now re-partnered, 1st generation Japanese-Vietnamese American, middle-class small-town girl, 5/1 Generator, and designer.

I operate on the premise that we’re in a relationship with everything — with ourselves and others, and our surroundings, above and below.

This newsletter is a place to explore the process of art, living, relationships, and being. I synthesize what I know, and I like to bridge the individual experience to the collective experience.

As is the micro, as is the macro.

Small is all.

As above, as below.

As within, as with-out.

How it works: You can support this dialogue by becoming a paid subscriber. Paying subscribers get access to all letters in full. Free subscribers get access to most letters, with some special previews to paid letters.

NOTE: Know that the purpose of my paid model is not a mechanism to make this content less accessible. I never say no requests for subscriptions, so please email me.

Paid subscribers choose one of two subscription tiers:

1) cancel-anytime $7 per month, OR

2) recurring $60 per year (the cost of one $5 coffee a month)

3-4 letters in your inbox a month:

  • a personal essay with my best thinking

  • a Channeled message without any thinking

  • a listicle of tasteful things I'm into lately

  • a Studio interview with a fellow creative

I also create things and thoughts and share them on Instagram @milanshimono, if you’d like to follow me there.

A newsletter for people who don’t have it all figured out but are trying their gosh darnedest

In whatever capacity you have at the moment, I hope you feel like you belong here. This container is broad because you are broad, and hear me when I say we have room for all of you.

Stay because you want to trust and listen to your own drumbeat AND be in good company with others.

Because you’re perfect AND you’re not done yet.

Because you’re open to me serving up new ideas.

Subscribe to Milan Shimono

The process of art, living, relationships, and being. Come peek behind-the-scenes, question boundaries, and take out the taboo of being a human having human experiences, you, work-of-art you. ✨


Loves “food” but is deeply disappointed in the word itself.